Monday, August 7, 2017

Why Should You Hire A Doula?

Is this just another "hire a doula" blog? No. You can totally do it without a doula. Hundreds of thousands of women do it every day. No one 'needs' a doula. A doula is a luxury.

So, why should you hire one? Well, that's a personal choice. Everyone has different reasons for hiring a doula. Some have no support system. Some just want an extra person with them Some women feel it will empower them. 

I'm a doula. I have never hired a doula for my births. I didn't know that a doula was a 'thing' until after my youngest child was born. But once I learned, I knew that's what I wanted to be. I wanted a 'mother' to be with me, since I was hundrends of miles away from my own mother and my mother in law. I wanted to have a woman with me who had given birth to be there to let me know what I was feeling was natural, normal, and just a part of the cycle. I never had that. 

Learning what a doula was, what her role could be in the birth process, and how she could help mothers to be feel more confident by just being there, encouraged me to become a doula. I wanted to learn everything I could about helping women have a more satisfying birth experience. I never wanted another woman to feel as alone as I did, as helpless as I did, or as clueless as I did.

I am not a doula in order to advoate for you. I am here to give you the information and support to enable you to advocate for yourself. I am here to support you when and how you want to be supported.

A doula has been said to be a neccessity, a right, something every woman should have. While I agree that if you can hire a doula, then do so. However, not everyone can afford a doula, nor does everyone want a doula.

So, you should hire a doula if you want one. That is the bottom line answer. 

Why Should You Hire A Doula?

Is this just another "hire a doula" blog? No. You can totally do it without a doula. Hundreds of thousands of women do it every da...